Ann Arbor City Council Voting Chart for the Meeting of May 1, 2023

Here’s the agenda

The evening kicks off with an 11-item consent agenda. It’s basically road construction contracts all the way down with two collections of delinquent fees and taxes.

There are 5 public hearings on the agenda this evening. PH-1/B-1 and PH-2/B-2 are on changes to the water rate and stormwater rate. PH-3 is on updates to public services fees. PH-4 is on a resolution to approve fee adjustments. PH-5 is the big one, it’s on the resolution to approve the budget.

There’s one ordinance first reading this evening. C-1 is an ordinance authorizing the sale of $40 million in bonds for the water supply system.

There are three more resolutions on the agenda tonight. DC-1 is a resolution updating the updating Council’s Policy Agenda Committee. DC-2 is a resolution to approve a farm lease on the Maisel Property. DB-1 is a resolution to dissolve the Brownfield Review Committee in favor of having staff handle brownfield requests to be approved by council.

Councilmember Ghazi-Edwin was absent.

Agenda ItemMayor TaylorDisch (Ward 1)Harrison (Ward 1)Song (Ward 2)Watson (Ward 2)Radina (Ward 3)Ghazi-Edwin (Ward 3)Eyer (Ward 4)Akmon (Ward 4)Briggs (Ward 5)Cornell (Ward 5)
B-1 - Motion to Adopt on Second Reading by Disch

An Ordinance to Amend Section 2:63 of Chapter 29 (Water Rates) of Title II of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (ORD-23-12)

B-2 - Motion to Adopt on Second Reading by Eyer

An Ordinance to Amend Section 2:69 of Chapter 29 (Stormwater Rates) of Title II of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (ORD-23-13)

C-1 - Motion to Adopt on First Reading by Disch

An Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Water Supply System Revenue Bonds, Series 2023, ($40,000,000.00) (Roll Call Vote Required - One Reading Only)


Resolution Updating the City of Ann Arbor City Council Policy Agenda Committee


Resolution to Enter a Lease with Lee Maulbetsch to Farm the Maisel Property (8 Votes Required)


Resolution to Dissolve the Brownfields Plan Review Committee

Voting Chart

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A2Council Voting Charts Project

The Ann Arbor City Council Voting Charts Project is a community-maintained source for voting history for the Ann Arbor City Council. It is not affiliated with the City of Ann Arbor, nor is it endorsed by any particular member of City Council.
